Our Vision

Our vision is to see people saved, healed, delivered, serving, equipped, empowered and maximizing their single-hood.
For over 15 years in Dallas and 7 years in Houston what God has manifested at Home-Team has exceedingly surpassed our expectations. It is our hope and prayer that this momentum continues to other regions and cities across America.
52% of the American church is comprised of single people, however less than 40% of churches pump funds into their singles department. There in lies the breach - singles are not getting the attention they deserve and need.
This is where Home-Team comes in, we are niche focused on Singles. Our topics are relevant concerning what they deal with and face. We have been able to CONNECT pools of singles from local churches to create an ocean at our open forum gatherings, career workshops, fitness events and when we volunteer to serve.
While we are not a church, we relish the opportunity to be an asset to what a bible believing church offers. Our belief is everyone that attends Home-Team should be planted at a local body church.
Our Mission

Our mission is to help each person at Home-Team BELIEVE in Jesus, BECOME a follower, and MAXIMIZE their single-hood.
BELIEVE IN JESUS Believing in Jesus means placing your hope and trust in Him by surrendering to His lordship in every area of your life.
BECOME A FOLLOWER Becoming a follower means shifting the focus of your life from self-centered to Christ-centered by doing what Jesus would do and loving as He would love.
MAXIMIZING YOUR SINGLE-HOOD "The 5" - Maximizing your single-hood means walking in the spirit, surrendering your brokenness in exchange for healing, stewarding and improving your body (temple), being financially astute and serving others.